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Y.A.M. (Young Adults) MINISTRY​
Healthy Youth* Healthy Family * Healthy Community * Healthy Ministry.

At IAD Ministries, we teach youth how to build upon their faith, share God’s Word, serve one another and the community, love God by building a personal relationship with Him, and  have fun with other Christians.

  • Commitment. We have a commitment to the spiritual health of all —the children, the teachers, and the leaders of the ministry.

  • Well-being. We believe that if our children, teachers, and leaders are spiritually healthy, they will also pursue physical, emotional, mental, and financial health.

  • Relationships. Ministry participants seek and promote healthy relationships.

  • Team Approach. IAD Ministries will operate through the use of teams, teams that seek and promote all aspects of health. In an effort to stay healthy, teams will leverage their relationships with one another to ensure that the responsibility of the ministry never weighs on the shoulders of a few…it’s a team effort.

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The leaves of a yam vine start at the root to the top of the vine & are in season 365 days of the year. When cultivated properly it can grow up to 49 feet tall. However, when not taken care of correctly, its seed can perish. 

John 15:5 & 6 reads “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned”.  

Our mission is to cultivate young lives and equip them with the tools to be fruitful in obedience to what our Father has instructed in John 15: 5 & 6. We are dedicated to reaching/teaching young women how to deepen/strengthen their relationship with God while navigating life & its obstacles. 

Our Vision

Y.A.M. 365’s vision is to grow/expand into an impactful team that reaches & teaches young women how to thrive in their relationship/walk with God. We are on track to becoming a sisterhood that young women can rely on for support & accountability 365 days of the year!

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